Sunday, March 29, 2009

My 10th Birthday

Today is my birthday! I celebarate my birthday yesterday with my bestfriends, Steiner, Joshua, Jon, Teck seng, Teck Hui and Jia le. So sad, Jordan didn't turn up. ): We had a fun day playing badminton, basketball, soccer, monopoly and Yugioh cards. I traded cards with Joshua. It was a very fun day. I received many birthday presents which includes a monopoly card game. I also received a game that can train my mind. AA gave me yugioh cards. The box contained a rare card which i longed for. We cut the birthday cake(very nice) that my mum bought for me at approximately 3pm as teck seng and teck hui had to go for their pottery class. But they came back at 6 which made me very excited as i know i still have time to play with my friends. Jon also left for his lesson at 2pm but he came back too because he wants to play soccer with us. We celebrated earth hour too. From 8.30 to 9.30pm. We had all the lights off so me and jon used the torch light to go around the house. Jon went home at ten. It was a day well spent. I hope that i will have the chance to celebrate all my birthdays with my very extremely bestfriends. :-) and my family :D They are very nice people.

Today I went to my great grandmother's house to celebrate my actual birthday. Dorcas, Darius and rachel was there. I also had a cake to cut and i also receive a present from their family. I feel very happy. okay, its time for my sleep. Good night

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