Sunday, July 12, 2009

microsoft publisher

i like microsoft publisher because it is fun.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I think the paper SA1 is fair. I don"t think I did well in SA1 because I have a lot of careless mistakes.

Yes, I think it is useful because I can use it when I go to Primary 5 or 6.

Yes, I think home tuition is useful because I can learn new things.

I will study harder.

The school should give more homework.

ryan woo z-h:D



Influenza A (H1N1) previously referred to as "Swine Flu" is a new strain of influenza virus that spread s from human to human. Influenza A (H1N1) is a viral respiratory diseases that presents with flu like symptoms.

Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the
trash after you use it. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve, rather than your hands, if a tissue is
not available.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcoholbased
hand cleaners are also effective.
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from
infecting them.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.

Yes, i think taking temperature is important because it will tell us the first sign of fever that maybe influeza A (H1N1).

School going children that are not feeling well should be kept at home. See a doctor is fever is on-going for a few days. Everyone should play their part by keeping ourselves clean.

I will keep myself clean at all times.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

earth day is when everybody love MOTHER EARTH.EARTH day is a very important day.during EARTH hour Everybody will save electricity and the earth means consearve water electricity when there is gobal warning the air will be pollulted.we must save the is very important to us because its contain water for us to live.

Monday, April 6, 2009

i eat vetgetables to get healthy.some unhealthy food that children love to eat are chicken and fried finger is important to be healthy because if i am not healthy,i will get sick easily.some food contains diaseses such as hand food mouth diasese.i like vegetables,they are crunchy.the benifits of eating vegetables is to be healthy.i like to be healthy because it will do good to our body.if you are healthy you will not be sick easily.if you are unhealthy you will be sick easily.if you want to be healthy you can eat more fruits and vegetables such as long bean
carrot,cucumber,broccoli,cabbage,potatoe,apple,orange,grape,banana,pear,kiwi,mango,mangoteen,grape fruit,jack fruit,starfruit and dragonfruit.these fruits and vegetables are very favorite fruit is an orange,some are sweet some are favorite vegetable is spinach it is very soft and easy to digest and tasty.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My 10th Birthday

Today is my birthday! I celebarate my birthday yesterday with my bestfriends, Steiner, Joshua, Jon, Teck seng, Teck Hui and Jia le. So sad, Jordan didn't turn up. ): We had a fun day playing badminton, basketball, soccer, monopoly and Yugioh cards. I traded cards with Joshua. It was a very fun day. I received many birthday presents which includes a monopoly card game. I also received a game that can train my mind. AA gave me yugioh cards. The box contained a rare card which i longed for. We cut the birthday cake(very nice) that my mum bought for me at approximately 3pm as teck seng and teck hui had to go for their pottery class. But they came back at 6 which made me very excited as i know i still have time to play with my friends. Jon also left for his lesson at 2pm but he came back too because he wants to play soccer with us. We celebrated earth hour too. From 8.30 to 9.30pm. We had all the lights off so me and jon used the torch light to go around the house. Jon went home at ten. It was a day well spent. I hope that i will have the chance to celebrate all my birthdays with my very extremely bestfriends. :-) and my family :D They are very nice people.

Today I went to my great grandmother's house to celebrate my actual birthday. Dorcas, Darius and rachel was there. I also had a cake to cut and i also receive a present from their family. I feel very happy. okay, its time for my sleep. Good night